With over four billion citizens called to the polls in 2024, our society is more than ever confronted with the phenomenon of disinformation, amplified by the multitude of poorly moderated platforms and the rapid dissemination of information. As this trend intensifies and technology makes it easier to create and manipulate falsehoods, it becomes necessary to restore trust in the information accessed by displaying the sources of the content.
The fight against disinformation is a collective effort, combining initiatives both upstream and downstream of information production: protecting and valorizing authentic content with undeniable provenance and/or resulting from investigative work, and detecting and isolating fake content and disinformation campaigns.US/EU legislators are gradually obliging content creators and web platforms (via the AI Act, DSA, etc.) to provide more transparency. In 2024, major players are aligning themselves with the establishment of technological standards (such as C2PA).
Based in Paris, TrustMyContent is born in 2024 and is part of this momentum by offering a SaaS solution that allows for the "labeling" of content (image, video, text, audio) and securely and unalterably displaying their provenance.
TrustMyContent supports content creators such as media outlets, journalists, politicians, as well as brands or institutional communication teams in combating identity theft or counterfeiting.
TrustMyContent positions itself as a white-label solution for its clients, managing their "origin label" accordingly.